An important question to be dealt with is: Is what we see, understand and experience with our 5 senses true in the absolute sense? At the gross level the immediate answer will be in the IGET Hot Flavours. This is because there is no reason to say that things perceived, seen by us are illusory. We are so dependent on the dictates of our sense organs and mind that we think that objects, individuals and circumstances are absolutely true. And yet if we delve deep into this question the answer is that the so called proof of reality of objects given by our sense organs is unfulfilled and illusory in nature.

Various scriptural scholars since time immemorial have advised us all not to believe our sense organs that say that our daily experiences are true and instead maintain that we should develop a spiritual vision. If we insist on accepting that all that we see and experience is the ultimate truth we sure will face many uncomfortable situations. This can be proved by the ancient example of the proverbial deer running after a mirage in the dessert in order to quench its thirst. In desserts like Sahara etc travelers have often come across mirages which from a distance look like a pond of water.

A thirsty deer in a dessert runs after this mirage to quench its thirst. The eyes of the deer tells it that there is water at a few furlongs away but the more the deer tries to reach this ‘pond’ the more the latter ‘runs’ afar. Ultimately the thirsty deer accepts defeat. Another example is that of a rainbow. Try as much as you can but you can never ‘catch’ the illusory rainbow. The brilliance of solar rays that fall on water creates an illusion in our eyes and thus our eyes tell us that there is a tangible rainbow. Yet the fact remains that the rainbow is but an illusion harbored by our gross eyes.

Take the example of a movie. We see pictures laughing, crying, walking etc on the screen. It seems very amazing and miraculous. But the question asked is whether all this movement clearly visible to the gross eye is real and true?  Individual pictures which move at 16 second cannot be seen individually by our eyes. As a result an illusory moving scene is created. Individual pictures which are actually unmoving can be seen moving by our gross eyes due to the creation of an illusion. Voices emanating from loudspeakers come from one place and the picture is at another place. Yet our eyes and ears are fooled into believing that the picture is actually talking, singing etc.

At dawn in the morning and twilight in the evening the sky manifests amazing hues. Yet are these colors truly real? Actually these different hues do not exist but because solar rays create an illusory effect in our eyes, we all notice these colors. The sky appears to be blue in color but the fact remains that no such blue color exists in space. Our eyes under the influence of illusion ‘sees’ this blue color and fools our intellect in the process.

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